Sean Maher's Quality Control

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Wood and Iron

The two big announcements from Wizard World Chicago that got me excited were:

Brian Wood's exclusive contract with DC and the new project it includes: a viking book called Northlanders, under the Vertigo imprint. Now, somehow, that just sounds awesome. Congrats to Bri and DC: I'll be looking forward to what you folks can make of it.


The new Immortal Iron Fist series, written by Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction. My love for Brubaker's work is no secret around here, but I've also enjoyed a lot of Fraction's work in the past.

'Course, the immediate question to follow is Who's drawing this?, right?

Eagle-eyed John Voulieris over at All The Rage picked up the artist's own announcement this week that it will be David Aja, who's worked on X-Men Unlimited, Marvel Knights 4, the upcoming issue of Brube's Daredevil, and David Lapham's upcoming Giant-Size Wolverine #1.

--which looks like good news to me. I've got sort of a "newcomer" vibe from the fellow's website and resume, but he already looks like a strong artist with just the sort of style to make this work.

The Immortal Iron Fist, I'm predicting now, is going to be very, very good.


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